Sunday, September 29, 2019


Or, rather, Turtlehead a great fall perennial!

At last I am enjoying some Turtlehead blooms!  I've had a problem in the past with this plant not growing for me.  Maybe I found it's happy spot this time!  It is definitely part shade along the fence in back of the house!  It gets a bit of sun maybe early morning from the East and then again in  the afternoon  from the west. It snuggles up near a favorite climetis so maybe it likes its neighbor?  Whatever, I've really enjoyed the gentle pink blooms now for about 4 weeks in Sept. when most of my perennials have made their annual visit and said "goodbye until next year".  This one is just outside the bedroom window so I get to visit it twice a day when I am opening or closing the blinds!

I recall picking this one up at our annual garden club plant sale in the spring and it was only marked "pink turtlehead" so I do not know the variety.  I am hoping the same person donates a few more plants of it this coming spring so I can get a few more to sprinkle in along that fence.

For more information about Turtlehead CLICK HERE!

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