Monday, October 31, 2016

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Crazy mixed up Iris!

This iris is a bit mixed up blooming in Oct. instead of Spring!  Deanna thinks it might be a bit confused this year as it usually blooms in the spring!

I think it just wanted more attention so decided to visit in Oct!  The fragrance was absolutely delightful also!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Conifers, conifers and more conifers...

Conifer collecting can be as fun as hosta collecting! 

A visit to Deanna's quickly has you admiring the many miniature varieties of conifers strutting their stuff in her conifer bed.  Yes, you can also view her hosta collections while you are there!

She recently added 19 new conifer babies to her collection and they all appear to be very happy in their new home!  Such a variety of colors and shapes!

I saw several that would be very comfy in my fairy gardens!  (I think if there are any missing she will be over to check out my fairy gardens right away!)

How small?  Check out the grass growing in the corner of the picture!
Yes, this could snuggle right up next to a fairy house nicely!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Is it Christmas yet?

It may not be Christmas yet but this Christmas Cactus is practicing for it's Christmas season bloom!

It is indeed a "happy plant" and a very mature one that has been enjoying the south window of Deanna's dining room for many years!  Deanna says she blooms in Oct. and again at Christmas season! 

Monday, October 24, 2016

When and how to prune Hydrangeas

Love those hydrangeas....... now what to do with them to enjoy them to the max next year!

I've been adding hydrangeas to my garden beds and landscape these last years.  We so enjoy their various shapes, blooms and seemingly endless changes of color!  This year we even added some solar powered tiny lights to one of our trees!


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Obedient plants for your garden....

Physostegia virginiana , whose common name is Obedient Plant, is very well mannered and will add some white or pink color to your garden beds in late summer and early fall! 

Easy to grow she has nice height for mid or back of a border.  Plays well with others!

I spotted this in Connie's garden bed when we were there for a garden club Board of Director Meeting recently!

It brought back memories of having this plant quite a long time ago.  Actually, I think it will be a great addition for me this next year!   White or Pink?  Maybe I'll flip a coin to decide!


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Live garden art....

strolling around Bonnie's garden beds!    Not only do her four chickens add movement, personality, and sound but they do an awesome job of gobbling up bugs and also those slugs that love hostas!

They also are good at putting smiles on faces! 

Lucky are you if you are located in a place where you can add this type of garden art to your yard!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Unique Centerpiece

Thanks to the groom's mother, I have been enjoying this lovely centerpiece from a recent wedding reception we attended! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Walking in the neighborhood...

I spotted this attractive fall season update to a summer planter!

Mums,gourds and a metal pumpkin cut out replaced some summer annuals!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Plant name.....

Thanks to Bill and LuAnn Bond! They suggested the name of the mystery plant, I posted a picture of recently, is a variety of Ti or Cordyline plant.

Check this link out, I think they are correct!  You'll see lots of colorful plants!

Check this website out    CLICK HERE

Friday, October 7, 2016

Parking hostas....

We are waiting for "dryer soil" to have our new holding tank installed at the lake to update our septic system to the current MN code.  This wet summer and fall has given us a new challenge this fall!  Our contractor feels it is too wet to successfully dig the needed hole for the tank so we are all waiting for the ground to dry out!  Meanwhile it keeps raining!  He says he can dig as late as into Nov. if the ground doesn't freeze.  So we are hopeful this will work so it will get installed this year yet!

Of course, the only spot this tank can go and comply with our lot restrictions, is where I have two hosta beds of mature hostas!  No problem I figured, we could lift them out and replant them the next day or two after installation of the tank!  This delay has crossed the safe time to transplant hostas this fall!  My neighbor Hero Bill to the rescue!  He has a veggie garden spot that is empty until spring now and agreed to let me "park my hostas" until spring!

Below is the picture of the two hosta beds after we lifted the hostas out and then a picture of them "parked" in Bill's veggie garden!  There are two huge hostas among those that got relocated!  The root ball on one measured 36 inches in diameter and Hero Denny and Hero Bill got it done!

H. Abba Dabba Do on the move  36" root Ball in saucer sled

Area we had to lift hostas from

Hostas parked in Hero Bill's veggie garden!


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

What is this plant?

I found this plant in the Butterfly House in Hershey PA.  It didn't have a label to identify it but I fell in love with it!  I suspect it is a tropical plant so would have to be a indoor plant in MN.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Butterflies, butterflies, and more butterflies....

The Rose Garden in Hershey, PA opened up a brand new Butterfly House this year!  We had the opportunity to visit it in early Sept. this year! 

Wow, what a photo op!  Both of us were busy taking pictures.  I don't know if they were trained to pose or what.  I've been in one in AZ and thought that was awesome but this one seemed to have a larger variety and larger amount of butterflies. 

They told us the butterflies only live for 3 weeks so they have to release new ones frequently. They have a supply of chrysalises from all over the world hatching on schedules to keep their "house" full!  Amazing!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Fall color in the garden.....

My garden beds seem to quiet down after the Coneflower petals disappear.  Some of the hostas hang in there along with annuals yet, but it seems to lack the general color I have most of the growing season.   

A visit to Bonnie's always finds color all seasons it seems.  How's this for Sept. color? This bed seems packed with it yet!