Sunday, September 8, 2019

Polly moved in to live with us!

I was in Home Depot recently, in the indoor plant area, just in time to hear a sales person explaining to a customer about this distinctive looking plant,  I stopped to listen as the plant had caught my attention right away!  I was thinking of my two pots for the living room that were waiting for plants and decided this was just right for the smaller pot.  So Polly jumped right into my cart and came home with me!  She was only $7, which was a bonus that made me happy!

Polly is an 'alocasia' who needs indirect light in indoor settings.  Average home temperatures 62-82 degrees and grows 12-24" tall.  She will  fit right in to our environment and is looking pretty attractive and is almost her mature height!  Now to find just the right partner for her for the larger pot!

I am so lucky that our new fur family members (Reggie and Redford") welcomed her by just snuffing at her and walking away!  So far the boys have won me over with their disinterest in any plants and flowers I have brought into the house!  They get extra petting for being so compatible with the rest of my growing family who are moving in with us!

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