Tuesday, June 30, 2020

New friend, new garden to visit!

Thanks to our neighborhood 'Pollinator Garden Project"  Hope answered our call for volunteers!

Hope lives on the edge of one of the parks with beautiful garden beds surrounding their home and responded to my request for information that helped me pick a successful site in that park!  She joined us on planting day to help get the plants planted.  Afterwards she allowed our planting team to make a visit to explore her garden beds!  It was a delightful visit also with her husband, Dan, who does the hardscape design and projects for her!  

Here is a bit what we eagerly explored:

Yes, this is Minnesota grown Wisteria!

What dramatic welcome to their home!
  Yes, it is Hosta Montana Aureomarginata in its
maturity and glory!  (my favorite hosta)

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