Thursday, July 2, 2020

Tropical Hibiscus

Recently I visited Lowe's for some plants and found a big sale on their Tropical Plants!

Yep, there were beautiful large size Hibiscus plants both in red and in peach colors.  Would you believe, two for $15.00.  Denny was with me and watched me deciding on a beautiful one with red blooms and then asked why I didn't want two at that price!  So, I decided he asked a good question and also picked up a peach one even though I couldn't see what the blooms looked like!

I ended up giving the red one to a friend and kept the peach one!  Was I ever delighted when the buds began opening!  Below is a picture of the two different blooms on the same plant!   

Yep, delighted is an under statement indeed!

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