Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Another dear friend remembered.....

This striking iris reminds me of Bonnie, who always seems to have several to donate to our Garden Club Plant Sale! 

Yep, I just had to buy a pot of them one year and now have them three places in my garden beds!  It is such fun to think of Bonnie, with her smile and hugs always greeting you!  Actually, I find myself smiling every time I admire this plant all gardening season long!  It's Bonnie on my mind!

The lovely miniature home was also a purchase at one of our annual plant sales from our section of "Country Store Items", gently used garden accessories!  It is solar lit so the windows are lit up at night!  I need to be sure to park it in a sunny spot so it charges up during the daylight!

Iris Palida Verigata, the foliage is a eye catcher all summer!
And, the bonus is the flowers are that awesome grape fragrance!

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