Saturday, June 20, 2020

Little Ceasar

I have a mini hosta bed developed to showcase a small collection of "mini hostas", varieties that have been developed to remain small, often only 4-6 inches high.  I've added other dwarf shade perennial to the bed for interest.  

Recently I was visiting Joan's gardens to pick up some native perennials she was donating to my neighborhood pollinator garden bed project.  Of course, it was an excuse to stroll among her various garden beds, to catch up with her plantings!  Our friendship developed 19 years ago when we met at a garden club meeting and then shared an addiction for collecting hostas later on.  It was fun to see how many of her hostas have grown and how her "mini collection" has matured.  As we passed by "Little Ceasar" I commented on how I somehow missed getting that one and admired how hers had spread so much and looked so attractive.  Yes, she asked if I would like a piece of hers and, of course, how can I refuse!  So she got her shovel and I ended up getting a very generous piece (like half of of hers) which looks like a full grown plant!  

I just so happened to have a spot in my mini hosta bed open because one had not returned this year!  It looks like it belongs there doesn't it?  It is so different than the others I have so it is a good accent one!

"Little Ceasar" is only 6" tall and normally matures at 6" wide also!  It is so crisp and fresh looking with those twisty leaves showing off its colorful attitude.  I am looking forward to seeing its lavender flowers later this season.

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