Saturday, June 27, 2020

Veggie Gardening Raised Bed Style

Tammy, our neighbor across the street, is an avid gardener!

We are so glad she moved into our neighborhood last June!   Needless to say we have become good gardening friends!  She's the age where she could be our daughter, so Denny has taken her under his wing for tutoring her and helping her learn new skills of home ownership.  She has an adorable loveable little dog named 'Marlie
' who has adopted Denny as her best friend also!

This spring one of her gardening goals was to create some raised beds for growing veggies.  I took her to my gardening friend and authority on raised beds for some information and to view some successful established raised beds!  To make a long story short, she ordered some raised beds delivered, with some assembly required, and it became a three neighbor assembly project, which was fun.  We are all looking forward to enjoying lots of tomatoes this summer!

Her mini veggie gardening area is already bursting with plants in the raised beds and also even a mini potato patch, a raised strawberry bed, rhubarb plants, raspberry plants, a blueberry plant, few cucumbers, green beans, peppers, beets and even spinach!  Behind her back fence there is an easement about 5 ft deep, which she has planted squash, few pumpkins, etc.! 

Very efficient use of space indeed and she is having fun being creative!  It is lovely to look at and enjoy while we are waiting for our tomatoes!  We are also enjoying her fire pit in the evenings!

More posts later about her flower garden beds!

Note the 4 Ft high pile of bricks she loaded,
 hauled home & unloaded by herself one day!

Raised beds in progress!  Note the 90 bags of soil
 she hauled home and unloaded herself!

Strawberry Patch!

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