Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Restoring and rejuvinating our neighborhood wecome sign...

70 years ago our neighborhood began with a subdivision named "Country Club Manor"!  I recall when the first demo homes opened up and the streets were in the process of being built.  The first demo homes were without basements (which is rare in MN.)  I recall they were basic three bedrooms and no garages!  Garages were extra and definitely separate structures.  Prices were about $13,000 and financing available for $500 down payment.

30 years ago we purchased our current home here, which was built in that early time period of this subdivision but has been remodeled with a two car garage attached and a small dining room and porch added behind the garage portion.  Our goal was to have this our last home as it is all on one level with a finished basement and we are still here.

Recently, the original "Welcome to Country Club Manor" sign was restored and I was asked to take on the responsibility to "head up" rejuvenating the planting of a 12 ft x 12 ft garden bed in front of it.  Well, how could I say no when it is only just around the corner from where we live and I knew a few neighbors who would be sure to help me!

So, yesterday the last batch of mulch was installed in the new bed!  It ended up being reduced to 10 Ft square with some brand new railroad ties enclosing it!  Thanks to donations of money for plants and plants, labor, compost, mulch and railroad ties it is done!  18 plants with 7 varieties will provide lots of  color and low maintenance care all summer.  Two other gardeners in this block have offered to help me keep it alive and blooming this year, at least.  Watering requires carrying water there!

It has been fun and rewarding so far and we are looking forward to see all the plants begin their bloom seasons!  I even planted a few sun flowers for fun!  I'll keep you posted with pictures as the flowers begin their show!  Currently the Coreopsis are smiling brightly!

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