Friday, June 12, 2020

Phase 2 of the Neighborhood Park Garden Bed Project

Saturday morning we joined forces with other volunteers to "dig" further into our project!

Three pollinator garden beds at our three neighborhood parks!

Lots of men with muscle and shovels showed up ready to make fast work of this project!  It was a treat to get acquainted with some new friends!  A rented sod cutter was a learning experience but it made a difficult challenging job so easy and fast!   Then off to the compost site with the sod and a return with finished compost to spread on the beds.  It took four round trips and one of the volunteers got a bonus of a free truck load of sod for their yard! Recycling at its best!

Denny joined us with our car and trailer ready to drive and haul stuff to and from the compost site.  He was just recovering from hernia repair surgery so was limited to being the driver with the trailer, which became a pretty important thing since we had only one truck owner show up to help also!  However, he found it difficult to "just stand and watch" others do the lifting, etc.

The next step was to till the compost into the beds and that completed the goal for the day!  Four hours later we had three 350 square foot garden beds ready for a cover of mulch! mulch delivered yet so that was the end of the day's work!  Signs were posted to advise park visitors of what was going on in those spots!

As soon as the mulch is delivered early next week, compliments of our Park and Recreation Department, we will schedule planting day and line up volunteers for that!   Soon I will be done babysitting 150 plus native plants I have collected for this project!

I am in the stripe shirt & Denny is the tall guy with light blue shirt!

This is the garden bed I am working on

This is the garden bed I am planting, it is in morning shade!

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