Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hosta planters

This spring...

I was delighted to find this pot of hostas coming back to life to enjoy my garden once again!  Spring 2013 I had a few pieces of hostas, that weren't up enough to donate to plant sales I participate in,  so I decided to pot them up.  By fall I had decided to see how they survived winter in the garage in their temporary home.  This spring it was great to have such an attractive planter ready to use in a bare spot in part shade!  Needless to say, that container has become not so much a temporary home for them!   They must have been happy there cuz I'm probably going to have to split them a bit in the spring so they'll continue to be happy in that pot! 

This was taken in June this year and I plan to use it again next year!  I loved adding a planter and not spending money for plants for it!  Oh, the little birdhouse I picked up previously at a garage sale for 50 cents!  I liked that, too!

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