Sunday, September 14, 2014

David came back to visit.....

My favorite phlox, 'David', came back with awesome blooms again this week!

David reminds me I am still learning and my green thumb is getting a bit greener every year!
He bloomed, as usual, in late July, but this year the rain helped me deadhead him by washing off those little flowers!
I chuckle every time I deadhead phlox now!  I have been so careful every year to deadhead perennials that will/should rebloom if I do this!  Every year I cut off the spent blooms on phlox  but never saw any additional flowers!   A few years ago I suddenly realized maybe I was doing it all wrong when it came to phlox!  So, I carefully pulled off each dead little flower on the big heads instead of cutting off the big heads!  Dah!  Magic happened about a month later when they rebloomed with awesome blossoms! 

The nice thing about 'David' is he usually isn't susceptible to mildew, which often plagues phlox plants.

Phlox  'David' 2nd bloom period 2014

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blooms! Thanks for the tip, Karen. This is on my wish list for next year and I'll try to remember this small but critical detail!
