Thursday, September 25, 2014

A planter for part shade!

Yes, hostas & companion plants make attractive containers!

It is getting towards that time of the year to get new perennials planted in the ground so their roots have time to settle in and grow a bit!

My hosta beds are full to over flowing so where do I plant another hosta?  I decided to increase my hosta container inventory!  I have three others that I planted last year and found them very helpful this summer in filling in some part shade spots that were looking a bit bare in the early summer! Their portability added to their value! They wintered over so nicely in the garage!   

I  have a new hosta 'Gila River', which has green and blue in the leaves,  and also a Heuchera  'Ruby Bells', which has blue leaves with green veins,  to compliment the hosta colors.  Adding a bit of the green with 'Lady Fern' brought in another leaf shape and texture to complete the look! Then I discovered a bit of garden art I hadn't used,  a rustic bird house to provide the personality and focus spot!

The white container (I found in my stash pile) repeats the white margins on the hosta and it is all set!  It will be fun in the spring to see this come back to life and have a new accent planter to use!  The fern will add some much needed height as it grows!  It is a shallow rooted one so easy to keep under control.


  1. Cute, Karen!
    As long as you can keep them going in the garage, why not do pots?
    Does you make sure they get a handful of snow once a month?

  2. Yep, my favorite son-in-law makes sure they get a handful of snow monthly when we aren't here!
