Monday, August 4, 2014

Vegetable gardens...

My friends grow veggies, I buy mine at the area Farmer's Markets! 
On a recent garden tour in the Mankato area, we found two vegetable gardens fenced in with black wrought iron fencing and one with a  painted picket fence!  My friend, Rita, immediately visited one of our local big box stores for reasonable priced wrought iron fencing for her veggie garden!  She kept the shorter  "chicken wire" fence on the inside to help keep the smaller critters out and the railroad ties stayed also.

What an  amazing difference, her veggie garden is now an attractive garden bed and a pleasure to garden in!

Rita's veggie garden!

A large farm  garden we found on a tour!

1 comment:

  1. Love Little House On The Prairie, love the flowers...did I mention one of my daughters name is Laura!
