Saturday, August 2, 2014

Alyssum, my favorite ground cover.....

Alyssum is a staple in my garden beds!  I love using it as a ground  cover and edger as it just flows so easily around perennials and brings a heavenly fragrance to the area!  I plant it early spring, while it is still cool, and it is the last annual I pull because it stays beautiful until a hard frost hits it! 

Last year I walked into the rural garden center near our cabin and was stunned by the hanging baskets that were heavily dripping with lavender or white alyssum flowing down the sides of the containers!

So, I  asked just what kind of alyssum that was and quickly purchased a few of them.  They were amazing in my garden beds, each plant spreading at least 18 inches!

So, this year I eagerly planted several of each color available and was rewarded with scenes like this one:

 This is just two plants covering 3 square feet!
  It drapes over the block wall so well.

'Lavender Stream Lobularia'
'Silver Stream Lobularia'
'Purple Stream Lobularia'

 Later I even found a cream colored one, which had a more softer appearance!

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