Monday, August 18, 2014

Raised bed gardening in your back yard?

Sharon P. has been veggie gardening in her city lot yard for years and she has always been creative in making it an attractive garden bed.  She's moved into 'raised bed' veggie gardening, which has increased her enjoyment and harvest as well.  You judge for yourself  how attractive it is! 


Sharon says it is so easy to plant and maintain!  No problem with our clay soil, you get to create the soil condition you want!  She had the wood framework made to the sizes and shapes she wanted, filled them with the soil and planted it this spring.  No getting shoes dirty or muddy even!   Gee, even if you only wanted some tomato plants,  a few peppers and edged it with some lettuce, wouldn't one of these be ideal!

I'm thinking one of these for my mini hosta bed would make it easier for me to tend and bring them up to a nicer viewing level! 

Contact me if you want more information!

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