Saturday, August 9, 2014

Dream Queen.....

Hosta snob?  I heard a rumor that someone referred to me as a hosta snob!  Hmmmm.. I do like my hostas.  Actually there is only one I absolutely won't have in my garden beds!

But, I do prefer hostas with good leaf substance to deter the herd of slugs I have.  If slugs love them, I don't!  With  so many beautiful hostas that slugs tend to avoid today,  I tend to replace those that attract slugs.  But I do feed my herd of slugs well!  Yes, I do use slug bait and when I do in a timely manner, slugs don't feed so much on my hostas!

Here is a hosta with thick leaves and a bonus of beautiful flowers!  'H. Dream Queen' can be queen in my castle any time!  This flower deserves to be in an arrangement.


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