Saturday, July 11, 2020

Hanging Fern Basket!

I had been drooling over the big ferns hanging in baskets in the shade on porches for years!

I'm not drooling any more, I finally found a great sale after the spring frost time and took advantage of the sale!  I absolutely will do it again next year!    My new nozzle on the hose has a 'mist' setting, which is ideal for keeping this plant hydrated and enjoying it's life on my back porch!

Yes, I know I can bring it inside for the winter.  I used to have one hanging during those days of the macramae hangers!  I even had a old fashioned fern stand for it later.  But, not so sure I have a space for it in this house with the right light conditions!  Will see if I can part with it this fall or find a spot inside for it!  

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