Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What blooms after it rains?

Rain Lily or Rain Flower are the common names for Zephranthes.

15 years ago my daughter's neighbor gave me a pot of Rain Lilies and they continue to enchant me each year.  I noticed this year the amount of blooms were a bit sparce so it is time to repot them again in the spring and make a least three pots of them!  One or two to share as gifts for friends again!  Interested?  Let me know! 

They are definitely not a zone 4, they are a tropical plant.  Tiny bulbs planted 2-4" deep in a pot of potting soil and they thrive in full sun.  Keep them watered in the summer and they will bloom all summer right up to frost.  They bloom best just after a rain, they must like mother nature's watering system best?

When frost nears it is time to bring the pot indoors and set it in the basement where it is cool, dark (or not much light) and quit watering until you take them outdoors again in the spring.  After frost danger is gone in May remove the dried plant material, water well and let sunshine do its magic.  My current pot has not been repotted since 2005!  Definitely beautiful and thrives on neglect!  My favorite kind of plant!

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