Sunday, October 19, 2014


Finally, this week I tackled cutting back the summer growth on perennials and pulling annuals out.  My slave gardener, my husband, has been helping me the last several years but is having a problem with a knee.  So I took a deep breath on Tuesday and tackled the project by myself!  (At age 75 and three knee replacements puts limits on my flexibility a bit)  Several hours each afternoon, taking lots of rest breaks, and soon Friday had arrived and I was done!  4 car trunks full of plant material went to the community compost site. Wow, I accomplished a major project by myself and it feels great!  (Well, I rode with him  to the compost site!)  Of course, this wonderful weather was a huge help!

I have a new batch of daffodils to plant yet.  At least now I can find some bare spots for their new home! 

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