Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Verbena bonariensis,

I first saw these in a large clump in a garden bed at Rochester's Mayowood Mansion about 12 years ago. They were attracting monarch butterflies!  It was enchanting and I went searching for their name and how to get some plants for my garden!   I found my gardening friend, Doris, has them among her many garden beds and learned they are an annual that readily reseeds for her!  They are delightful as they are so open and airy dancing among other tall plants or over the top of shorter plants.  Their pinkish purple flowers fit well into my color scheme at home and make a great addition to floral arrangements! 

They are not readily found as bedding plants in most garden centers but I am aware they often can be found at either Sargent's locations in Rochester.  Or, you can visit my friend, Doris, like I do and come home with a handful of young plants!  Mine don't readily reseed so easily because of my mulching material.  But, I love to visit Doris regardless!  I think of her every time I stop and admire them in bloom! 

They grow to 4-5 Ft tall

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for identifying this pretty annual that I have been admiring at Shorewood every time I pick up a friend there. Next year....
