Sunday, October 5, 2014

Goodbye...Endless Summer...

Enough of your've been replaced!  When you decided to bloom you were beautiful, but you are fickle!  I've given you 6 years of love and care and I'm not happy with you.   

I finally decided to replace my Endless Summer Hydrangeas!  The one at the lake was rescued by a friend who will be content with a green shrub most of the time.  In it's place I planted an Annabell Hydrangea a friend shared with me!  I've been admiring Annabells for several years! 

The one at home is rescued by another friend who is content with a lovely shurb and I planted a 'Bobo' Hydrangea in its place!  I'm so excited as I have been considering several varieties of the smaller size hydrangeas all summer!  I ran across a sale in Mankato recently and at 30% off, I couldn't resist 'Bobo' as my final decision!  I've had several garden friends recommend this one! 

Bobo™ Hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculata in Miniature!
This great new Hydrangea bears so many flowers you can hardly see the leaves! And at 2 1/2-3' tall and 3-4' wide, it is small enough that even space-challenged gardens -

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