Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What blooms after it rains?

Rain Lily or Rain Flower are the common names for Zephranthes.

15 years ago my daughter's neighbor gave me a pot of Rain Lilies and they continue to enchant me each year.  I noticed this year the amount of blooms were a bit sparce so it is time to repot them again in the spring and make a least three pots of them!  One or two to share as gifts for friends again!  Interested?  Let me know! 

They are definitely not a zone 4, they are a tropical plant.  Tiny bulbs planted 2-4" deep in a pot of potting soil and they thrive in full sun.  Keep them watered in the summer and they will bloom all summer right up to frost.  They bloom best just after a rain, they must like mother nature's watering system best?

When frost nears it is time to bring the pot indoors and set it in the basement where it is cool, dark (or not much light) and quit watering until you take them outdoors again in the spring.  After frost danger is gone in May remove the dried plant material, water well and let sunshine do its magic.  My current pot has not been repotted since 2005!  Definitely beautiful and thrives on neglect!  My favorite kind of plant!

Sunday, October 26, 2014


I was a bit overwhelmed by the experience of receiving an award from Minnesota State Horticulture Society.  I understood I would be receiving an award at their Annual Recognition and Awards Ceremony in Minneapolis but the one I received was an unexpected surprise!  My favorite assistant gardener, my husband, Denny, was there also and I forgot to give him recognition in my acceptance speech for all the support and help he gives me!  Needless to say I was feeling a bit overwhelmed!  Must have been a "senior moment"!  :)

The event was shared by special gardening friends who were with me representing our garden club.  Our Rochester Garden & Flower Club also received a wonderful honor.  The MSHS Garden Club of the Year Award is a very treasured award representing the achievements we have accomplished! 

Indeed it was a very special day!


June, our President,  accepted our award!

Mother Nature's Garden...

in all its glory was at it's SE MN peak color along the Mississippi River this last weekend!  Our favorite drive is from Winona north to Lake City and once again we were not disappointed.  We crossed into WI to get close and personal with the backwater area and to treat ourselves to lunch at Beth's in Nelson!  Yummy lunch, with home made chicken soup with dumplings, and we left there with a fabulous apple dumpling treat for later!  We watched lots of tired duck hunters coming out of the water.  Denny was doing a bit of reminiscing as we passed the Weaver Bottoms area.  Of course a stop at Lark Toys was also added to our agenda!  That is always a fun stop!  I had already purchased apples at an orchard at home so we bypassed the apple orchards along the way.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Tis the season.....

for admiring our SE MN fall color! 

We had perfect weather this last weekend to get out there on the country roads and soak up the sunshine and colors!  On our way to our favorite route along the Mississippi in SE MN we drove thru some spectacular Minnesota farmland and didn't miss noticing the fields of corn and their contributions to the day's scenery! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Yarrow blooms all summer and fall!

While I was cutting down plant material last week I realized I was about to cut down a plant that was still blooming!  I think my pastel yarrow has been blooming since June, at least!  That makes it four months of blooms!  This year I consistently deadheaded it correctly, leaving stalks that could produce more blooms and it just kept on producing more week after week!  WOW!  No wonder I've had that plant for at least 14 years!  It's great in arrangements and the blooms are so long lasting.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Finally, this week I tackled cutting back the summer growth on perennials and pulling annuals out.  My slave gardener, my husband, has been helping me the last several years but is having a problem with a knee.  So I took a deep breath on Tuesday and tackled the project by myself!  (At age 75 and three knee replacements puts limits on my flexibility a bit)  Several hours each afternoon, taking lots of rest breaks, and soon Friday had arrived and I was done!  4 car trunks full of plant material went to the community compost site. Wow, I accomplished a major project by myself and it feels great!  (Well, I rode with him  to the compost site!)  Of course, this wonderful weather was a huge help!

I have a new batch of daffodils to plant yet.  At least now I can find some bare spots for their new home! 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Purple Dome Aster

The last bright spot of color of summer in my garden beds at home is old reliable Purple Dome Aster.  He never fails me, he's like old faithful!  Right on time early October in all his purple glory!  He also seems to resist frost so I keep a few alyssum at his feet to keep him company.  I get lots of questions from the neighborhood army of walkers about what that plant is.  I keep splitting it every three years and donate pieces to my garden club annual plant sale.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Verbena bonariensis,

I first saw these in a large clump in a garden bed at Rochester's Mayowood Mansion about 12 years ago. They were attracting monarch butterflies!  It was enchanting and I went searching for their name and how to get some plants for my garden!   I found my gardening friend, Doris, has them among her many garden beds and learned they are an annual that readily reseeds for her!  They are delightful as they are so open and airy dancing among other tall plants or over the top of shorter plants.  Their pinkish purple flowers fit well into my color scheme at home and make a great addition to floral arrangements! 

They are not readily found as bedding plants in most garden centers but I am aware they often can be found at either Sargent's locations in Rochester.  Or, you can visit my friend, Doris, like I do and come home with a handful of young plants!  Mine don't readily reseed so easily because of my mulching material.  But, I love to visit Doris regardless!  I think of her every time I stop and admire them in bloom! 

They grow to 4-5 Ft tall

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My favorite splashs of color are

Dragon Wing Begonias, they never disappoint me!  They love sun, shade or part sun! They are spectacular planted in small or large containers or directly in the ground!  My favorite way to use them is to plant 3 plants in each huge container (like half whiskey barrel size) and watch the show begin!  This year I treated them to some worm poop (more about that in another post) and watered them well weekly!  Actually, I stop at a country greenhouse near the cabin early in the spring and place an order for about 22 of them from the first batch they grow out and pick them up once the frost danger has passed.  At home I do a big pot in my big hosta bed, a big pot next to the garage and a few in a taller small pot between the two garage doors.  

Just two plants in this container

Three plants in this container

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Walking in my neighborhood....

I have a few favorite homes I slowly stroll by while admiring some gardening elements.  This is such an unique way to display hanging baskets and containers overflowing with flowers.  Her husband made this flower cart for her a few years ago and I look forward to her new display every year.  It was a bit past its peak color when I remembered to take my camera along this day, but it is still attractive.  So easy to care for when watering and deadheading, they are all in one spot! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

In the neighborhood....

recently I took my camera along on a walk (yep, I do that once in  awhile) to capture a few scenes to share with you.  This neighbor does the most lovely matching flower boxes on two windows in the front of the house!  When I pass this house I usually walk a bit more slowly to enjoy in the view!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Goodbye...Endless Summer...

Enough of your unreliabililty.......you've been replaced!  When you decided to bloom you were beautiful, but you are fickle!  I've given you 6 years of love and care and I'm not happy with you.   

I finally decided to replace my Endless Summer Hydrangeas!  The one at the lake was rescued by a friend who will be content with a green shrub most of the time.  In it's place I planted an Annabell Hydrangea a friend shared with me!  I've been admiring Annabells for several years! 

The one at home is rescued by another friend who is content with a lovely shurb and I planted a 'Bobo' Hydrangea in its place!  I'm so excited as I have been considering several varieties of the smaller size hydrangeas all summer!  I ran across a sale in Mankato recently and at 30% off, I couldn't resist 'Bobo' as my final decision!  I've had several garden friends recommend this one! 

Bobo™ Hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculata in Miniature!
This great new Hydrangea bears so many flowers you can hardly see the leaves! And at 2 1/2-3' tall and 3-4' wide, it is small enough that even space-challenged gardens -

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Limelight Hydrangea in Sept.

 White blooms turn to pink in September and continue to darken to a rich mauve into October.  I shared with you the beautiful white blooms in August and now the the lovely pink is showing! 

Reminder:  You check my blog at any time and see posts I've made in the past, etc.
