Friday, July 31, 2020

Purple Fountain Grass

Purple Fountain Grass is an old favorite of mine!

I always planted it lakeside at the cabin in two planters to enjoy!  This year I planted it when I found the perfect spot and planter for it at home.  

The planter stand has been in my memories since I was a little girl.  I used to go with my Dad on Memorial Day when he returned the planter with new geraniums planted in it to the cemetery where his father and a young sibling was buried.  A few years ago my brother was buried in that same cemetery and I visited the family plot and found the old plant stand still there with a broken and neglected pot that had obviously been forgotten about for many years.  So, I rescued the stand and Denny cleaned it up for me and I installed it in a spot in one of my garden beds.  

This year it seemed the perfect place to blend an old memory of a plant stand with a newer memory of the Purple Fountain Grass.  Seems like my garden beds are filled with more than just plants and flowers, but memories of friends, times and loved ones to enjoy.

Farmer's Market Flowers

I just could not resist the colorful bouquets of flowers Sat. AM for $8!   

When I got them home, I quickly grabbed my clippers and stepped outside to cut a few peony and hosta leaves  (H.Praying Hands works great) and split the colors into two different bouquets to enjoy this week!  

Yep, plump picture perfect red tomatoes and first time fresh corn on the cob (just picked) also came home with me!  Oh, also some awesome wild rice w/dried cranberries hamburger buns tagged along!  

Yep, corn on the cob for lunch with a bacon tomato sandwich!  Perfect July lunch!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Favorite Grasses!

'Fireworks'!  Love it!  Perfect for July!  

I only tried 'Fireworks'  (A variety of Fountain Grass) once and was not impressed, but 
this year I decided to give it another shot in a planter and have fallen in love!

I realized what made the difference, when I purchased it I carefully removed  the dried foliage that was abundent and have kept it well watered!  I was looking for a smaller grass to put in a special owl concrete planter that was gifted to me by my kids long ago when I first began gardening.  I had a collection of owls that they had gotten used to adding to my collection so when they spotted this owl......   It is in mostly sun and has been so colorful!  I just might put it on my front step next year!

Definately on my list for next year again!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Rita's Container plantings!

At last I got to visit Rita's to see what she decided to do outside her new home!  She always has had a special talent for creating attractive planters!  This year was no exception!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Fairies enjoying the summer

My fairy and miniature gardens have matured for the summer now......

This one I view looking out the window in my office!

This turned out so lovely at night also!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Small plants speak well also!

Tammy has a knack for creating scenes with smaller plants and weathered objects of old.

Love this scene!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Rock planter...

When my friend Rita moved downsizing from a home with extensive garden beds she had a few garden art things and pots she was not moving with her..... I happened to be there at the right time and she offered me an unusual artificial rock with a place to insert a small pot for a planter!

I immediately thought of my mini hosta bed and eagerly said "Yes, I'd love it!"  This year I found a lovely tiny leaf coleus that seemed ideal for the planter and my mini hosta bed plants!  It seems right at home spreading over that rock!  

What do you think?  

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Still watering plants.....

Here are a few more perennials at their peak in my neighbor's beds.   ðŸŒž

Yep, the neighbor with the raised veggie beds I picture a few weeks ago!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Neighbors watering team....

"That's just what neighbors do..."

Our neighbor across the street (with large garden beds) took off for a week of  R&R 
'up north' for this week.   So, two of us teamed up to keep her veggies, fruits and flowers

While watering one evening I just happened to be there at a photo op moment near sundown and I was admiring some of her perennials that are at their peak bloom right now!  (Thanks to my new habit of carrying my cell phone with me all the time when I am outdoors,  'in case I fall and can't get up' suggestion from my doctor) has provided me with a handy dandy camera ready to whisk out!  

I'll  have to ask for the names of some of these!  If you want to know any the names, send me an email!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

'Sleepy', my gnome!

Thanks again Rita, for giving me your little windows from your fairy garden when they didn't work for you any more!

I so enjoy them above my "Fairy Door"!  Or has it become a "Gnome Door"?  "Sleepy" loves snoozing by it!  Or is he waiting for a fairy to come out and play?  He always brings a smile from me when I see him!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Tips to freshen up your garden beds mid to late summer!

I just finished reading an article on freshening up your flower beds mid to late summer!  I learned a few tips about some plants I grow that I am anxious to try now!  My yarrow for example, will get sheared completely down earlier instead of waiting for the blooms to fade completely before I deadhead them!  

Maybe you will learn a tip or two by reading it?  It's quick and easy reading, was sent out by one of our local garden centers that offers lots of free educational sessions in their locations!  Also they routinely add many gardening tips on their website and in email notices customers can sign up for!

Check it out! 

Click here to access:  It is from Sargent's Gardens, Rochester, MN

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Hanging Fern Basket!

I had been drooling over the big ferns hanging in baskets in the shade on porches for years!

I'm not drooling any more, I finally found a great sale after the spring frost time and took advantage of the sale!  I absolutely will do it again next year!    My new nozzle on the hose has a 'mist' setting, which is ideal for keeping this plant hydrated and enjoying it's life on my back porch!

Yes, I know I can bring it inside for the winter.  I used to have one hanging during those days of the macramae hangers!  I even had a old fashioned fern stand for it later.  But, not so sure I have a space for it in this house with the right light conditions!  Will see if I can part with it this fall or find a spot inside for it!  

Annual Visit to our History Center Welcome Garden Bed

This is in our neighborhood so we pass it by at least a dozen times a month.....always have to slow down for a peek at it!

A few years ago our garden club took over updating and maintaining it!
Taken towards the end of June 2020!

Small plants are lovely, also!

Tammy also has a knack for creating scenes with flowers and weathered old objects!

Love this!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Close Ups in Barb's Garden in June

A nice touch of butterflies to snuggle your
 shoulders as you sit and rest or visit!

Awesome companion colors!

Barb has a perfect shade spot to welcome visitors!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Outdoor dining at it's best!

My very favorite place to have lunch out in the summer is at our 'Twiggs' Patio!

Not only is the food excellent, the atmosphere can't be topped for gardeners!

Here is a view a week ago as you approach the patio area!  Inside the fence is just as beautiful as this entrance promises!


Thursday, July 2, 2020

Tropical Hibiscus

Recently I visited Lowe's for some plants and found a big sale on their Tropical Plants!

Yep, there were beautiful large size Hibiscus plants both in red and in peach colors.  Would you believe, two for $15.00.  Denny was with me and watched me deciding on a beautiful one with red blooms and then asked why I didn't want two at that price!  So, I decided he asked a good question and also picked up a peach one even though I couldn't see what the blooms looked like!

I ended up giving the red one to a friend and kept the peach one!  Was I ever delighted when the buds began opening!  Below is a picture of the two different blooms on the same plant!   

Yep, delighted is an under statement indeed!