Thursday, January 16, 2020

Winter Pot idea!

The other day I walked up to the building of my eye doctor and the Winter Pots by the door caught my eye!    They were so crisp looking and simple!  Good for all winter, not just the holidays!  They really made a statement!

I quickly took my phone out to catch the idea!  The white branches were a mix of white ones and shiny silver ones, which added to the crisp look!   So, this summer or fall I aim to collect some branches and spray some white and spray some silver to use in my winter containers!   I am still looking for a white lantern that can be lit also!  Hmmm... silver would work great also!  I'll  have to bake my handyman his favorite apple pie when I bring the lantern home for him to wire for electricity, and maybe paint, to add to the container also!  

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