Saturday, January 18, 2020

Spring Plant Shopping!

I often blog about my trip with friends to plant shop during May into northern Iowa among the Mennonite garden centers!  We made a day of it, two of us to a car/van so we have room to bring home our treasures.  Not only is it fun there is a huge savings on the latest annuals and perennial.  It is not unusual to spend $100 and bring home $200 of plants at our local prices here at home.  So, treating our selves to lunch out and the cost of gas it is well worth it!  Not to mention the fun of shopping with other gardeners who a great job of enabling and helping share ideas of using what we find!

Last year two friends used our Community Education Program to head up two bus tour groups to this area for plant shopping!  Both trips sold out early and they are repeating them for 2020!   Here is the information if you are interested!

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