Sunday, January 12, 2020

New Year's Day Cyclamen

Our age is showing.... we celebrated New Year's Eve with our two cats and the TV! We did make it to the magic time to welcome in  2020!  But we did celebrate 2020 with a "Happy Hour" on New Year's Day at the home of friends at 2 PM! It lasted four hours of Happy Snacking, etc.!  Yes, we may not be party night owls but we know how to party in the daylight!
To my delight I received a belated birthday gift of a new plant!  I love cyclamens, often buying several in AZ for the porch!  They seem to just keep on blooming and so many varieties and colors!  They love the shade and need moisture to keep the blooms popping up!  This year I have coveting some new varieties in the garden centers that have a beautiful variation in the leaves!  Yep, my friend Barb  noticed them also and decided I needed one!  

The tag on it says "Metis Victoria" variety!  

We took the Christmas decor down this week so now I have this on the end table by "my chair" so I can enjoy it up close!  

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