Friday, January 10, 2020

House plants bring winter gardening fun!

My little kitchen table garden bed has grown by leaps and bounds with gifts from some friends and plants I just couldn't pass up!  

It has been a real joy during the day to dine at the kitchen table and enjoying these lovely miniature plants!  Some of them will grow up and need larger planters for sure.  And watering them every 2-3 days is a bit more attention then I'd like to provide so I may also be moving some of them into a miniature garden setting in a larger container also.  Something to do in January when winter boredom sets in!

Also being Denny had such nice success with his $5 amarylis from Walmart, I sent him back to pick up 5 more with plans to plant them in one larger pot for a bigger display and easier to cope with moving them outdoors to rejuvinate the bulbs this summer for next winter enjoyment.  A gardening project for him during January while they are growing and getting ready to blossom!

Are you considering getting more involved with house plants this winter?
You might want to check out the below link to check on the five easy house plants to care for:


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