Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mums the word!

Fall and mums just go together ……    I always add some to a  planter  by our garage in the fall to replace summer flowers and foliage in a big planter.  Winter gets an appropriate change also!

It has been interesting to see how cities have transitioned into adding plants and tree plantings into the  cities landscapes on streets and bridges and even the state and  county interchanges have become works of art!   As  we've traveled  to other  areas of the country we've become aware of the increase art  and landscapes decorating the highways and cities all over!  Quite a change from 15-20 years ago when money was not spent on such things!

Rochester is not different from other cities of our size even on the Midwest  with our drastic change in our variety of gardening seasons!

With the Mayo Clinic growth and expansion of buildings they have landscapes that change seasonally and we've had the experience at our garden club of having a speakers from that area  tell us how they handle all that!  Jobs provided for sure in the areas of hardscape construction and horticulture areas in our country!

Now I am noticing our city is even into seasonal plantings!  On our way to downtown from where we live I recently noticed this planting on a bridge over a highway has been switched to fall with MUMS!   Not to mention we have a few bridges that even have trees planted on them and decorative lighting added to the landscape designs!  It is delightful to have such beautification.  No  wonder  our taxes keep increasing, what used to be considered a bit of extravagant expense has become necessary.

As a gardener, I often wonder what the cost is to provide all the plants and maintenance on these beds.  I also enjoy them!  The mums in this picture are huge, colorful, beautiful and bring a positive attitude experience to traveling down our streets!

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