Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Surprise Awards recognition at our Rochester Garden & Flower Club Oct. Meeting!

We do have an award program to recognize members for their contributions for "making things happen" in our organization and community!  I have served time on this committee in past years because I felt it important to give recognition to members for their participation in club activities and/or leadership action.  Everyone has something to contribute according to their time, energy level, skills and interests!  Nobody goes too far alone!  Personally the awards are not what motivates me but the recognition is always nice to receive!

But when the awards are given to you, it is always a surprise!  This time I was extremely surprised and also appreciate that it included the two of us who joined this fantastic organization about the same time (2001)!  At that time we began a long and strong friendship with the same passion of gardening, learning and valuing the friendships we have developed along the way!  It has been a fun and rewarding experience for each of us!  A friendship I deeply appreciate and value!

Both of us each received the "Distinguished Service Award" this for 2019! 

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