Saturday, October 12, 2019

Fall's First Freeze

Yep, woke up this morning to this beautiful sight!

We knew it was coming, it always does!    Time to dig out the bird bath heater for our feathered friends who come to the feeders and greet our "boys" as they perch on their climber by the window!

So glad we finished getting our garden bed perennial plants cut back and annuals pulled out last week.  The local compost site has been busy!  We were realizing how effective my downsizing of garden beds to low maintenance with size and plant varieties has helped reduce the winter prep labor!  Now to wait until the crop of hosta leaves die back and dry out a bit to reduce that labor project!  At that point just 30 minutes to reach down and pick up the leaves of 100 hostas, stuff them in bags and head to the compost site!  

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