Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Getting books autographed by the author was fun!

Last week our Hosta Club had our annual meeting so it was a fun time once again to meet and greet hosta friends!  We took care of the election of new officers that were needed, voted to agree to host the 2022 Midwest Hosta Convention, and enjoyed a fantastic program!  Hosta people are fabulous providers of treats which are enjoyed during a break between the business meeting and program!

Once again we had the pleasure of listening to a delightful English accent!  Michael Schadrack is an author of several books on hostas, a previous resident of England, a hosta grower/collector, and entertainer with wit!   Michael provided us with lots of wisdom and gardening tips using pictures he took while visiting famous English Gardens.  He skillfully provided excellent education on designing garden beds using his pictures as examples!

I have two of the books he was involved in writing and remembered to bring them along to get his autograph on them! 

  Check out this website for more information about this interesting author and hosta gardening:

Click here to learn more about Hosta Gardening

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