Saturday, July 13, 2019

Visiting a friend's garden recently...

My favorite thing to do.... visit other gardens!   Vickie and I were chatting about Astilbes and she showed me an unusual one that gets quite tall!  Reminds me of a white flower one I have that is also tall but blooms in June, that I would love to know the variety name of!  Vickie's  has pink blooms so I took a picture and let her know I'd love a piece of it next time she downsizes it a bit!  

Then when I went home I was walking by a new plant I purchased this spring at our garden club plant sale that was marked simply "Pink Astible" and much to my surprise the flower had just opened up and it was one of the pieces Vickie had donated to the sale this spring!   Needless to say I was pretty pleased to identify it further and asked Vickie for the variety name!   'Ostrich Plume' is the variety....  THANKS VICKIE!

It is not the usual looking Astilbe we are all so familiar with.....

OSTRICH PLUME features a foliage mound (to 20” tall) of dark green leaves and large, loose, weeping panicles of pink flowers on arching stems typically rising to 2.5-3’ tall in late spring to early summer. Young foliage may be tinged with bronze. It is placed in the Thunbergii hybrid group, which are generally tall varieties (to 4’) which bloom late and feature arching, loosely-branched flower panicles and ovate to lance-shaped, 2-ternate leaves.

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