Friday, July 26, 2019

Japanese Beetles! UGH!

Tis the season for Japanese Beetles to make their appearance and here they are!  What to do?

I was touring on another local Garden Tour a few days ago and part of the fun is to keep running into other gardening friends to visit with along the route!

As I was visiting with Mary Ann, who has tons of shade gardens (hostas) as well as sun beds (roses included) we were discussing the topic of the season...Japanese Beetles!   She shared with us what has been working for her the last few years!

If you have done any research in what to do about these ugly critters you have discovered they have  life cycle that just keeps them in our lives and gardens!  You see them now on plants but they lay their eggs and as a result their larva burrows under the soil to grow and winter over to come to the  surface next year to gobble up our plant material again  So, treating them is a two prong attack.  Above the soil and under the soil!   Mary Ann found this product at the local "Fleet Farm" and said it has had significant impact on her herd of beetles!

So, it may be worth a try as it attacks above soil as well as below soil!  It will probably require an on going annual attack but if it works, is well worth the effort.

 I only see a few in my beds...but am off today to search for this product hoping I can protect my plants for the next year!

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