Monday, July 29, 2019

County Fair Time!

Tis the season....for fairs!  Our local county fair is going on right now!   I spent a few hours last night having lots of fun there helping our local garden club with their annual Free Flower Arranging Workshop!

Each year we gather up a big supply of  flowers and plant material from our gardens and supplement that collection by purchasing some additional  flowers!  Then we gather up a supply of floral containers, floral tape, floral oasis and laminated instructions on various arrangement designs and have loads of fun helping all ages who show up to "make a floral arrangement" to enter in a Flower Show!  The line forms quickly and long at the designated start time of 6 PM.    I was so amazed at the 5 yr olds and 6 yr olds  who created stunning designs!  They stood right next to the adults and calmly put together beautiful arrangements to enter!  What a fun experience watching the activity and joy of the designers at work!

The next morning judges come in to evaluate and award ribbons to the winners in the various skill levels and categories!

I need to get back to the fair to get some pictures of the winning arrangements before Sunday when they come back to the fair  to claim their arrangements, ribbons and prize money!

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