Monday, February 25, 2019

Succulent planter experiment!

Yes, I finally got all the pieces together to give this a try!   I have been seeing many examples of this type of a succulent planter on Facebook!

First problem was finding a small container that I  could use in the arrangement!  Then getting the succulents, potting soil, white rocks was pretty easy here in Arizona right now!  Next challenge was finding an inexpensive container to use as a canvas for the picture!   I have several containers at home I am anxious to use but wanted to keep this one inexpensive!

Actually, it didn't  take long once I had all the pieces!  About half an hour is all!

I ended up with a 14" circ. container and was looking for 10" but didn't want it very deep either!  I found lots of ideal size containers but prices started at $15 and up around $20/30!    Getting a variety of succulents to use turned out to be not so costly as I used only about half of each one, so can figure to spread the succulent cost over two creations.

I will be looking for a butterfly or something to add a touch of whimsey yet!  I want to see how it  grows and what it takes to keep it within the size to look attractive.  I suspect as the plants get taller they can be lifted out and pruned from the bottom and reset.   If this travels back home to MN in the car and survives looking attractive, I plan to donate it as a door prize at our "Gardening for the Health of It" gardening event mid April!

See you there!  Stop and register for it at the Rochester Garden & Flower Club display!

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