Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Class on Climatis in Rochester

I just posted a notice on our garden club facebook page about our Feb. 21st program for our meeting!

If you are within convenient distance to Rochester and are interested in some good quality information regarding Climatis….  please feel free to join the free and open to the public program at 6:30 PM on Feb. 21st at the Rochester College and Technical School  at their Heinz Center in room HB117!

Feel free to bring a friend or two along!

Donahue's in Faribault is a widely respected Climatis hybridizer and grower, selling to garden centers throughout our country!  So, what a treat to have a member of that family business come to share  information about selecting and growing this awesome plant!  And how and when to prune the various types of varieties!  

And here I am sitting in AZ unable to be there!  I have been asking for this program for several years but it sure didn't work out too good for me!  Hopefully a friend will record the program for me?

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