Friday, February 8, 2019

Forcing bulbs....

At the November garden club meeting we had a presentation and demo on forcing spring bulbs.  This included a gift of three different spring bulbs to experiment with!   The bulbs require about three months of refrigeration before planting so I tucked them in the car pop cooler and brought them along to AZ with me.  That time period is up about right now!

I decided to make it easy and use the water and pebbles/stones method as a growing medium, instead of potting soil,  which seemed pretty ideal for my AZ environment I am in at the moment!   I found three glass containers at a thrift store and purchased the pebbles at a Dollar Store.  One of the containers was designed for growing out a hyacinth bulb, one is a lovely light green miniature coke glass and then I chose a taller one because one of the bulbs is for a taller plant, which might need some support.

Following directions the bulbs are sitting on top of the water supported by the pebbles and I have them where I can keep an eye on the water level, and are in good light.  I just need to keep the direct sun off of them.   We will see what happens.  Hopefully within 3-4 weeks I will have three spring bulbs blooming to enjoy!

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