Friday, February 15, 2019

Lilacs in Az?

Well, not exactly, but I found an beautiful plant the other day growing in the park where we are staying!  I had not previously noticed it so was curious enough to take a few pictures to see if I could identify it.

I took the picture to a nearby garden center, which quickly identified it for me!  

The common name is "Lilac Vine" and blooms only for about two weeks this time of the year!  It is popular here inspite of having such a short bloom period.  It sure attracts tiny bees, the flowers are tiny but lovely!  I saw two plants, one older, which was growing on some old wood and the other a younger plant growing up a trellis!

Botanical name: Hardenbergia violacea
Common name: Lilac vine
Origin: Native to Australia
Where it will grow: Hardy to 20 degrees Fahrenheit (USDA zone 9; find your zone)

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