Thursday, December 3, 2020

Over grown dish gardens?

 I love the mix of plants whether it is house plants or outdoor plants!  It adds so much interest to gaze at!

While I admire them when the plants are a mature size, it seems the next step is to become overgrown and begin to not look so great.  Usually houseplants just become too crowded to stay healthy and attractive looking!   Outdoor ones have a short life here in MN and then we start over in the spring!

So, what to do about the house plant garden?  First I do some pruning and thinning but that only seems a fix for a short time.

Then I decide if I want to rescue all the plants by repotting them individually in new pots.  Well, right now I don't have space for seven more plants. So recently, I decided to removed four plants in front, which were suffering the most and leave the three in the back for a backdrop.  Then I went shopping in my stash of fairy garden accessories that I had tucked away for the MN winter.  It didn't take long to spot this adorable cabin (it was the second house I had ever purchased for a fairy garden scene) and it seemed to be just the right size and look to fit!  A bit of small pine mulch and a couple of seasonal touches with pumpkins,...and it was looking much better!

Yes, I think I'll replace the pumpkins for an elf or something for a Christmas touch for December soon!  Then I'll see what other seasonal touch I can find for February!


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