Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Flowers

 If you are seeing the below flowering plant at this time, you are looking at a Thanksgiving Cacti!

Yep, there is a Christmas Cacti and also an Easter Cacti!  They are looking different in their leaves but the flowers sure look the same!

My neighbor, Tammy, has quite a collection and display that I was admiring last year.  She gifted me a white one but no blooms have appeared.  I did a search on the internet to see if I could figure out the problem and it appears it has been getting too much sun light at this point in time.  Well, I do have some plant lights providing supplemental light to my violets, which has been great for them, but not so great for my Thanksgiving Cacti!  So, I recently moved it so it would only get the normal daylight this time of the year and am hopeful it will stimulate it to bloom in time for Christmas!  

Tammy's Thanksgiving Cacti

WISHING YOU ALL A SAFE AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  Our family as elected to stay within our individual family households and hold a ZOOM visit this year. This is only the second Turkey Day I have had without some family with me, so it will seem a bit lonely.  But our goal is to have many more Turkey Dinners with us still all together from now on!  May your family also enjoy many more!

  Yes, I have some lefsa waiting for some turkey stuffing and gravy to join it!

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