Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Unique Totem Pole Yard Art

 I have made a few of these totem poles yard art myself but this one is really unique and personalized to fit the recipient!

My neighbor, Marty, called me to come over and see what her creative sister made for her!

Wow, what a special sister to be designing Totem Poles to fit her sister's life interests!  

This one reflects many of Marty's interests:  At the bottom are two turtles (one hatching) representing her annual task of helping Blandings Turtles safely cross the roads to the Mississippi River when they hatch!

The dog represents her long involvement in rescuing aging small dogs (20 of them often with 6 at one time) and giving them love and special care until the end of their lives.  

 The star at the top is a recognition of her special Faith.

 The flashlight represents her extensive collection of flashlights!

 The red knife represents the knife she has always carried in her pocket!

The baseball tells about her passion for The Twins Baseball Team!

Denny is going over to see how it can be attached to the railing on her deck!

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