Monday, November 23, 2020

It is going to rebloom!

 About a year ago I purchased my first orchid with a goal of it reblooming!  

And then later I purchased a few more and have patiently been watering and fertilizing them and anxiously looking for some sign my goal might even happen!  A year is a long time to be patient!

A few days ago I noticed what appears to be buds forming!  I am so excited!  I will be sure to post pictures of it when it is in full bloom later!  And that will probably be midst this long winter and its challenges to find excitement while enduring this pandemic!  

I did attend a free seminar on orchids at our local garden center last winter, which gave me lots of encouragement with this new adventure.

This morning on Facebook I spotted a free seminar on the internet that looks interesting, so you can also check it out if that is interesting.  My friend, Joan, has a big collection of orchids and they were all the lower priced ones and they all are beautiful reblooming freely!  

 Information on Free Orchid Class CLICK HERE

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