Saturday, October 3, 2020

Watermelon Pickles!

 Did you have watermelon pickles during your younger days?

My grandma Jo always made a batch or two of watermelon pickles every summer and I loved them!  The last few years I have been searching the displays of homemade pickles and jams looking for a taste of my youth without success.  Every time I buy a whole watermelon I remember how my Grandma Jo always confiscated the rinds to make her favorite pickles.  And often she would buy a whole watermelon for those pickles and quickly cut out that prime center of red goodness to enjoy herself before the rest of us could get to it!  Such tender warm memories to have!

This summer I found a source at our local farmers market and bought the only jar on the display, a quart jar!  Yep, they were a good memory to enjoy, a bit more cinnamon flavor than I recalled, but close enough!  Josie, my great-grandaugher, (named after my Grandma Jo) was here for the weekend and I put my precious pickles on the table.  She tasted one with caution and then her eyes and face lit up!  She loved them and exclaimed she had to have a jar so I told her I'd get her one, which I did the next visit I made to the Farmers Market!

So, do you have watermelon pickles in your memories by chance?

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