Friday, October 30, 2020

SE MN Fall Color Drive 2020

SE MN Mississippi River Valley is usually about their peak in color in Mid October.  This year we missed the peak by about a week, but when the morning sun was hitting the bluffs, it was lovely!  I love looking at those awesome old homes built so close up the steep Wisconsin bluffs!  Apples for sale were abundent resulting in a few apple pie purchases!

This year we decided to take in both some of the Wisconsin side with the Minnesota side so we headed to Lake City, MN drove south to Wabasha and crossed the Mississipi River into Wisconsin then drove south to cross back into Minnesota at LaCrosse and then headed SW to Rushford for lunch before heading north to home!  203 miles and 5 1/2 hours of some familiar sights and some new sights including lunch at the Norsland Lefsa Manufacturing place with an awesome bakery and lunch service!  So, a bonus for me, I took home half a dozen, fresh off the griddles, lefsas!  I won't list the bakery goodies that jumped into our car tho!  Sandwiches and soup was so welcome by 2:00 PM!  

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