Friday, May 3, 2019

Pansy Pot Time!

A bit later than usual, but I've fallen in love with the big giant all yellow pansy pots at Gerten's in The Cities!  So, just had to wait until we had the time to take a trip to visit a friend near there and shop at Gerten's!

We added a stop at a Perkin's for lunch before heading home and checking to see if our friends were home and up to company for a visit!

Yep, they were, so that made the trip extra nice to catch up with them!

For twenty years I have put a pot of pansies on my neighbor's step!  Her home is yellow and she loves yellow flowers!  That gives me a good excuse to indulge in two pots brimming with sunshine!

She is a special lady in our life, now in her 90's but living life to the fullest as she can!  Denny recently caught her out with her shovel in her driveway during the last snow and he chased her back inside with his shovel!

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