Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Rain, rain go away.....

It seems we have hit a rainy day series here in Rochester!

Darn, I had just cleaned out my flower beds of weeds and dead leaves and sprinkled their annual dose of 10-10-10 fertilizer.  Next up was Preen to help reduce my weed crop!  Now I've got to wait out the rain!

First off I killed existing weeds that had wintered over with a new product package from RoundUP which comes with a neat wand powered by battery that dispenses weed killer thru a nice cupped end that allows you to target only the weed you want and avoid spray on any nearby plants!  I thought it over and decided it was for me to try.  I loved it!  I was able to hit all my weeds except for two that were too snuggled up to a perennial that I wanted to be sure I wouldn't kill along with the weed!  Saved me lots of digging work and in just a few days I saw those darn pesky weeds curling up and dying!  Yipeeee!

Regardless, I am waiting for a clear day ahead with rain to follow closely so I can spread my "Preen" to tamp down those weeds that are just waiting to pop up!

I happened to stop by our local History Center last week so I took a quick peek at the Welcome Garden Bed, that our Garden Club maintains, to see what might be peeking up.  Yep, I caught some daffies in bloom and they looked so SPRINGY!  Just had to take a picture to share with you!

Next I'm heading out to get my bright yellow Pansy Pot to brighten up my garage doors/driveway where I can see them often!

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