Monday, May 27, 2019

Open Garden Time in the Hosta Club!

Late May we usually have a unique event in our Shades of  Green Hosta Society of SE MN!
It's a fun time which is primarily a social event featuring meeting at one of our member's gardens, but includes food (as usual we eat at all events), door prizes, a special featured speaker, a chance to get  new plant at our Silent Auction, and catch up on plans for the approaching Hosta Sale!

This year we met at our founder's Rochester Gardens, our speaker was one of our members who is also a Master Gardener sharing information on Aggressive Plants!  I won a door prize of a year's membership in the American Hosta Society, food was awesome, catching up with other members was great!  Add a photo op of beautiful plants and features in Cindy's garden beds!   (We do grow other plants than hostas!)

I always wish I had a tree for this plant....a climbing hydrangea!

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