Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Our Annual Plant Shopping Day into Iowa

Once again the four of us gardening friends, headed out for a fun day into Iowa  shopping for plants!

Once again we filled our two vehicles up and had a great lunch!  This year Barb's (my driver) husband cleared out his van and put in 30 plastic milk carton crates for us.  What a perfect way to get those tender plants home in pristine condition!  We put shorter plants in one and then top that crate with another crate and fill it with taller plants!  They ride home in their protective cages just fine!

Thanks Joe!  You are soooo good to us!

This year I added two hanging baskets to my purchases because, due to our recent lifestyle change to being home 12 months of the year,  I  will be home 7 days a week to water them as they need to be!

I'll take pictures later to show you.  Unbelievable what we got for only $19 each!

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