Sunday, September 16, 2018

Hosta Party Time!

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Our Shades of Green Hosta Society of SE MN is 12 years old now!
Yes, I am a charter member and still enjoying this group as well as promoting growing hostas!  I may have run out of room for space for Hosta growing conditions, but not my enjoyment of having those plants in my garden beds!  And most of all I've not run out of space in my heart for the special people in this organization!  I'm not sure which I treasure the most, the hostas or the friends!  

Each fall our "founder", Cindy, invites us all to a "Founder's Day" event, which becomes a very fun social time!  It features a "Pot Luck" lunch (gardeners are famous for their cooking), plus door prizes, a silent auction of hostas and companion plants plus a active fund raising auction of special plants!  Then there are the beautiful grounds to enjoy and their new 'event center' they have developed!

Not a hosta, but a companion plant! 
 A pair of them flanked the door to welcome us!

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